“Qur’an and Interpretation” talk held

19 Ocak 2025 Pazar


As part of the “Science and Philosophy Talks,” an event titled “Qur’an and Interpretation: Examples from Maryam and Ash-Shu‘ara” was held on January 16, 2025. In his speech, our Faculty Dean, Prof. Dr. Bilal Gökkır, summarized the historical development of the science of Qur’anic exegesis. He focused on the processes of tafsir (interpretation) and commentary, spanning from the early exegetes to modern approaches. In addition, he evaluated the narratives and legal regulations found in previous sacred texts and the Holy Qur’an in the light of Western and Islamic sources.

Not the Faculty’s First Contribution to the Platform

The president of the platform, Prof. Dr. Levent Düzcü, stated that this talk aimed to enrich the city’s cultural and scientific events. He also mentioned that members of our faculty had previously participated in similar programs. Prof. Dr. Muammer İskenderoğlu, Prof. Dr. Cahid Kara, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Necmi Sarı, and Dr. Davut Orhan have recently been among the academics who took part in such talks. Members of the platform expressed their gratitude to the Faculty of Theology, particularly to our dean, Prof. Dr. Bilal Gökkır, for these valuable intellectual and historical contributions.

Noting that a large number of academics from various fields have been invited to speak so far, Prof. Dr. Düzcü emphasized that our Theology Faculty’s lecturers have made significant contributions to scholarly thought through these talks.

Our Faculty Will Be More Active at an International Level

Expressing his satisfaction with the contributions of our faculty members to these activities, our dean underlined the importance of knowing foreign languages and keeping track of global developments. He also remarked that in recent years, Bolu Faculty of Theology has not only served our city but has evolved into a more active body at both national and international levels.